Check out Yellowstone Token on PulseChain & Ethereum Networks

Liquidity on "Uniswap" Ethereum Network, so you can swap USDC for Yellowstone (YS) tokens. Additional liquidity will be added monthly, 10% percent of the total fees from providing liquidity will be donated to kids with disabilities to help them visit Yellowstone National Park. Liquidity is now on the Pulsechain Network.  Yellowstone (YS) token is paired with PLS and PLSX.

Yellowstone (YS) CryptoToken

Our mission is to create a token that is fun to own, has tradeable value as an erc-20 & prc-20 token, and reminds everyone of the beauty of Yellowstone National Park, it’s magnificent wild animals and lastly makes people feel connected with the great state of Montana and the fictional ranch called Yellowstone Dutton Ranch.

Ready to take the next step?

This is a movement of billions of people globally. Whether you’re collecting meme tokens, trading crypto, buying crypto to hold, or just having fun, consider buying the Yellowstone (YS) erc-20 token and prc-20 token, token contract address: 0xEBb70D4D5E415C4F2221FF33cA387a356ED79db2 . Available now on Uniswap (Ethereum Network) to Trade USDC for Yellowstone YS. Now available on PLSX exchange (Pulsechain Network) to swap as well!!

This token will remain on the Ethereum network and is now on the PulseChain network. A (YS/USDC) Liquidity Pool on Uniswap for Ethereum Network and Pair Liquidity for (YS/PLS and YS/PLSX) on the PulseChain Network. This token was professionally created by a well known company in this industry. It has the Mint and Burn features available. It has the blacklist and pause features available to protect the token holders from bad actors with any malicious intent. You can have confidence that this token is both safe and secure and an immutable contract.

Thank God Almighty for creating the Yellowstone National Park!!

Thank you Taylor Sheridan for creating the Yellowstone tv series!!

Contact us:

The token creator does not have any relationship or business partnerships with the tv series or its creator and does not portray itself as such. I am a fan of both the National Park and the tv series for full disclosure.

Yellowstone (YS) Token Contract Address: 0xebb70d4d5e415c4f2221ff33ca387a356ed79db2

YS/PLSX Pool Contract Address: 0xee472ffee1723aaae8f74e853b71ecd18a38a958

YS/WPLS Pool Contract Address: 0xad78d0b400ad679767003a5d6e7641b60b2964f5

USDC/Yellowstone (YS) Pair Contract Address:0x3a26a95513445a11a50fca87a11b0b994732ba28

These Token Contract Addresses can be Verified on Etherscan, Coingecko, and CoinMarketCap.